RRS Library

RRS Library

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

'Wants and needs' in Year 2

Year 2 have been learning the difference between wants and needs. In our circle time we imagined we were starting a new life on a desert island and all chose something we would like to take wirth us. We then sorted these out and listed the ones that would be essential for us to survive; food and seeds to grow more food, water, tools to build shelters, someone else for company, favourite toy for relaxation.

 We learned about the 'United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child' and found that these needs are actually seen as our rights and also the rights of all children everywhere.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Community links.

Today  two community police officers called Luke and Ryan came to speak to us in assembly. They were friendly and made us laugh. They also played the guitar and the keyboard!
Then they talked  about 'Rights and Responsibilities' in the community. We learned that the rights we expect for everyone at school; to be safe, to be comfortable, to enjoy a clean environment and to be respected also apply outside the school. It is therefore our responsibility to ensure our behaviuor outside is not antisocial. Behaviour that Luke and Ryan sometimes see includes litter dropping, graffiti, damaging things on purpose, swearing, and even rudeness to members of the community. These clearly offend people and prevent them from enjoying their rights in their own homes.
We want Blandford St Mary to be a good place to live and so we are going to think about our responsibilities as we grow into good citizens.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Assembly for parents

On Friday 11th September we held a special assembly to explain and  present our charters to the parents.

We think they were very impressed!

Class charters

Hi everyone and welcome to our Blog. We will keep you updated on activities going on in school which are leading us towards becoming a 'Rights Respecting School.'
In the first week of term every class discussed what they would like their new base to be like. Older classes looked at the 'United Nations Convention on the Rights Of The Child' and decided which rights are relevant to the classroom. Each class then created a list of rights that all children should enjoy in their class. These included the right to learn, the right to be safe, the right to feel comfortable, the right to have our say, the right to be respected. Classes then discussed the behaviour and classroom routines that would be necessary to achieve these rights for everyone. These were introduced as our responsibilities. For example,our right to learn, lies alongside the responsibility to listen and follow instructions, the responsibility not to distract others and the responsibility to try our best at all times. Once all the rights and responsibilities were agreed everyone signed the charter. All the bases then displayed their charters in different ways.