RRS Library

RRS Library

Monday, October 26, 2009

Putting the Art in Articles!

On  Friday October 23rd we had a special assembly for parents to present the articles we have been looking at in our classes this half term. The assembly was introduced by our School Representative on the Rights Respecting Schools project.

Koala Base, our very youngest children showed their amazing poster illustrating the basic Needs or Rights that we all have.

Year 1 clearly felt strongly about their right to their name! [article 7]

Year 2. Explained how to achieve a healthy life style and how rich countries can support poorer countries in working towards this for all children [Article 24]

Year 3 have been debating hard and enjoying their right to express their opinion. They reminded us that we can use our school council to add our voices in decisions about the running of the school.

Year 4 shared their work on article 27 explaining how everyone has a right to a good standard of living  and how families can be supported in providing this.

Year 5 Have had a good half term exploring their right to play!

And Year 6 have looked at article 15 the right to participate and join groups.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Parent's Rights!

We had a fantastic turn out for our Rights Respecting Schools Evening for Parents.
The UNICEF Rights Respecting Award  scheme  promotes the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as the basis for enhancing teaching, learning, ethos, attitudes and behaviour in schools.
All the schools in our pyramid have signed up in the hope that Blandford will become a Rights Respecting Community.
 Everyone  joined in very good naturedly with a variety of activities  enabling them to become familiar with the UNCRC and the way it is being used in school.

Later we were treated to samples of Healthy Hot School Meals and samples from our very own cooking club.