RRS Library

RRS Library

Saturday, July 9, 2011

International arts week

We all had an amazing time in arts week. KS1 have been looking at the culture and crafts of Kenya.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Enterprise week. Raising money for Comic Relief.

This week everyone will be busy developing their own class businesses and producing items to sell at our fabulous Enterprise fair on Friday. Children will be learning the principles of making a profit and the ethics of fair trade.
There may well be a bit of a red nose theme in some classes as all the money raised will be going to Comic Relief.

Comic Relief describes its mission as bringing about 'positive change through the power of entertainment'. It was established in 1985, and since then has helped tackle poverty and social injustice at home and abroad by :
  • inspiring people across the country to join in with fundraising

  • raising more than £425 million

  • making over 6000 grants in the UK

  • making over 1700 grants internationally.
The charity promises that for every pound it gets directly from the public, the same amount will go directly to projects helping the poorest and most disadvantaged people.
For more information visit

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Steps towards a RR community for Blandford.

Today Holleigh as School Council Rep. and Oliver as RRS Rep visited Downlands School  with Mrs. Rees for the termly network meeting.
Each school presented its School Charter and then we discussed which of the Rights from the UNCRC would be appropriate for a community charter for Blandford.
We are very excited about this development for our town, and after the amazing success of the lantern parade optimistic that we can really make a difference.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

School Charter

Oliver [RRS Representative] and the School council met to discuss exactly what qualities  we want our school community  to value and develop. The charter was then taken to staff and the governors.
We will present it in assembly on Wednesday for whole school approval.

Our School Charter