RRS Library

RRS Library

Saturday, March 3, 2012

'Rights Respecting' reaches out to the community

This term we have been working with the other Blandford schools to take our Rights Respecting message into the community. We prepared a charter  based on the principles of the UNCRC Rights of the child. We created Rights for the citizens of Blandford and accompanied them with the necessary Responsibilities. 
Then we took this back to our classes who approved the charter. At our last Schools Council Network meeting we agreed to invite leaders in Blandford to a meeting to show them the charter and see how they felt about it. Each school presented part of the charter. Our Right was 'The Right to be happy and safe'. Phoebe and Liam went out and about around our school to see how this could be related to our community. 

Well done Phoebe and Liam. You were fantastic!

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