RRS Library

RRS Library

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Community links.

Today  two community police officers called Luke and Ryan came to speak to us in assembly. They were friendly and made us laugh. They also played the guitar and the keyboard!
Then they talked  about 'Rights and Responsibilities' in the community. We learned that the rights we expect for everyone at school; to be safe, to be comfortable, to enjoy a clean environment and to be respected also apply outside the school. It is therefore our responsibility to ensure our behaviuor outside is not antisocial. Behaviour that Luke and Ryan sometimes see includes litter dropping, graffiti, damaging things on purpose, swearing, and even rudeness to members of the community. These clearly offend people and prevent them from enjoying their rights in their own homes.
We want Blandford St Mary to be a good place to live and so we are going to think about our responsibilities as we grow into good citizens.

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