RRS Library

RRS Library

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The New School Council

Article 12 Children should have the right to say what they think should happen when adults are making decisions that affect them and to have their opinions taken into account.

Article 3  All organisations concerned with children should work toward what is best for each child.

Tuesday 14th September.
The newly elected School Council held their first meeting.

We discussed at length exactly what the role of a school council should be and decided on the following aims;
• To listen to the ideas and views of our classmates

• To bring ideas to School council for discussion

• To take our best ideas forward and act as a link between children and management of the school.

• To represent the children of our school when decisions are being made that affect us all.

• To think of ways we can improve our school.

• To help anyone who is sad.

• To help develop the Rights Respecting ideas throughout the school

• To solve problems

• To welcome visitors and show them around our school

We then elected our new chairperson. Congratulations Holleigh!

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